Hair Care Tips

Hair Care Routine

Always deep condition hair with every wash
Pre-Poo before every wash with oil.
Do a protein treatment once a month.
Wash hair every 2 weeks (a dirty scalp can cause hair loss & prevent hair growth
Do a hot oil treatment every time you wash your hair (it’s a great pre-poo to prevent hair from being stripped of its natural oils)


Hot Oil Treatment

1.  Section hair into 4 parts

2.  Heat Oil up. Apply hair sealant oil to scalp & hair, be generous when apply to hair.

3. Cover hair with plastic/shower cap & leave on for 2-4hrs (on wash day). If you have an electric heating cap you leave on for 10-15mins. 

4.  Wash hair & follow wash day routine.


The LCO METHOD- technique is about keeping your hair moisturized for as long as possible.

Tip: Sectioning hair into 4 parts can make it easier to work with.


1. L - Liquid: damp hair with water

2. C - Cream: apply the whipped Shea butter on to hair & ends

3. O - Oil: seal hair with hair sealant oil, focus on ends too.

4.Cover hair with plastic for 45mins-1hr

Do this technique once a week or whenever your hair feels dry.


Wash day routine


1.           Hair has already been pre-poo (hot oil treatment) with the hair sealant oil.

2.         Wash hair with sulfate free shampoo

3.       Condition hair with deep conditioner, cover hair with shower cap/plastic leave on for 10-15mins. If you have an electric heating cap you can use it.

4.         After the 10-15mins, wet hair a little bit & detangle hair with wide tooth comb.

5.       Rinse hair thoroughly removing conditioner. Pat dry hair.

6.       Use a heat protector & blow dry hair.

7.         Apply hair growth oil to scalp & massage for 3-4mins.

8.       Section hair into 4 parts as it will make it better to apply products evenly.

9.       Apply whipped shea butter moisturizer to hair also focusing on the ends of your hair as well.

10.     Seal moisture in the hair by apply small amount of hair sealant oil on to hair, focusing on ends as well. (The aim is not to make your hair oily but making sure your hair is evenly covered with product)

For more hair care tips please follow us on our social media pages:
Facebook: @Hermoriri
Instagram: @Hermoriri

Please feel free to tag us on social media on the process of your hair growth journey:)